Global HS code look up

Search for a product’s code using one of the
world’s most extensive HS code databases

An easy to use online tool
that delivers accurate,
compliant product

Determine the correct HS
Codes for 100 to 10,000

Powerful search engine and
database for classifying
and managing HS codes

TariffTel HS code look up tool

What the Product is

What the Product looks like – size, colour,
packaging etc

What the product does or what it is used for

What the Product is made of

How the Product is manufactured

Any other defining characteristics



Our costs just
1 credit to use

ask our expert

You can to classify
products for you for 10 Credits


1 credit

10 credits

20 credits

50 credits

200 credits



£15.75 £17.50

£29.75 £35.00

£70.00 £87.50

£240.00 £350.00

* excludes tax (if applicable)

Have a question?

Check our for common questions on how to get the most
out of our TariffTel HS code lookup tool for individuals and startups.

Get even more value & advanced features with

If you need to classify up to 10,000 SKUs or are a larger enterprise, we have a
tailored solution for you. Find out more about our TariffTel and

Other useful resources
